Welcome Aboard
Hi, I’m Rene, a 60-something adventurer embracing my second childhood and presently living the dream on land and soon on the water!
What started as a boatbuilding “hobby” has grown into a lifestyle of adventure, exploration, and connection. This page is rapidly expanding and will be dedicated to:
- Building my dream boats, including my 15′ Panga build and new hybrid houseboat project, and sharing every step of the journey on video.
- Soon we’ll be experiencing life on the water; from ocean and freshwater fishing to boating, ice fishing, and exploring new places.
- Meeting fellow boat enthusiasts, sharing stories, and interviewing builders, craftsmen, and adventurers.
- Enjoying life aboard and ashore, with my co-captain Raluca by my side, and making the most of every moment.
Whether I’m crafting a houseboat, casting a lobster trap, enjoying the freedom of the open water or just acting a little dinghy, this channel is all about living my dream—and hopefully inspiring you to live yours too.
as for my about me
CLICK HERE to Subscribe to my Weekly Boat Build Videos and my NEW Boat Building Hangouts Now!
You’re Invited: to come aboard and join our YouTube Boating Group online and chat with various DIY Boat Builders and enthusiast like us.
This is a great place to:
- Sit back and learn from each other
- Make new friends
- Hear about new builders’ successes, trials, blunders and stories.
- You can even ask questions!
- If you want to grow and hang out with fun folks be sure to subscribe and join us each week – or – “Walk the Plank!”
CLICK HERE to Subscribe Now! Be sure to Click on the Bell to be notified of new Episodes!
A Couple Past Chats:
Episode #7 Below:
Episode #9:
Videos are aired on our YouTube Channel, and our DIY Boat Builders Hangout Group. We’d like to ask you to post the video to your viewers on the social media to grow viewership as well. Your contact information will be placed in the description of the videos upon airing.
Who the Heck Are Rene & Ralu & Why Should You Watch Them?
About us: Raluca and I have written over 150 books and courses in our “Day Jobs” and have been teaching about the mind, programming, and quantum physics for over 30 years.
We’re Mind Coaches with a nautical twist dedicated to teaching the many secrets of what makes people tick.
In my twilight years we’ve decided on a course correction and are working towards a new life of traveling, nautical adventures and having fun!
“It’s Great being kids again!”
Our “Day Job” has given us the ability to do what we want; when we want and we’d like to give you that same opportunity. Download my 340 page “Income Ahoy” workbook so you can create a self-sufficient life as an on board boater or just an off-grid “land-lover” if you prefer.
We look forward to growing with you in the days and years to come.
Happy Sailing
Cap’n Rene & Ralu 🙂